Thursday, December 23, 2010

DreamWeaver 3: how to publish (1999)

Here's a tutorial I had written back in 1999 when managing web-sites was a big thing and Dreamweaver was the most advanced tool on the market

 Go to Sites>Define Sites

You will see this window

Click on New


Fill it out as follows


Now after you fill out the Local Info. Fill out the Web Server Info



Good. Now fill out the Check-in Check out window info


Site map layout is next



Home Page: enter your own path to the index.html that lives on your hard drive. (in the above picture I store it in a a folder called which is in a folder called www which is under a folder called MyFolder in C drive). Give your own path or browse to it.


Next few settings are simple



Click OK and Done. You can connect and “checkout” the site. From Dreamweaver.